Let's Talk Money

Caught your attention, didn’t we?

Well let’s get to it!

Good branding is an investment.

Yeah, we know. That’s the nice way of saying good branding is going to cost you some money. But hear us out for a minute, because we want to show you how spending money in the design world can make you money in your business world.

The best investments bring the best returns.

Have you heard of an ROI? We’re not finance experts, so let us break it down for you in simple, everyday terms. 

ROI is an abbreviation for “Return on Investment.” Return on Investment is a metric used to understand how profitable an investment is. It compares how much you paid for an investment to how much you made after the investment. Basically, it’s measuring how efficient your investment is.

Now what does that have to do with branding?

Well, here’s some of the types of ROI's that you can gain from having good branding and an engaging brand story:

  • Clients see you, your products, and/or your services as more valuable, which means they are willing to pay more for them.

  • Your consumers develop a powerful brand association with your services or products.

  • You gain brand advocates and word-of-mouth recommendations increase.

  • Awareness and reach of your brand increases.

  • Your reputation improves online and in real life.

  • You attract higher paying customers/clients.

  • Traffic and sales conversions increase, which means your sales increase, in turn causing your profits to increase.

We could go on, but you get the idea! Investing in good branding leads to a high return on investment! We know, we know… things are starting to sound a little sales pitchy. So let’s get back on track.

Branding is so much more than colours, fonts, and logos. There’s a lot of strategy and expertise that goes on behind the scenes to help YOU attain your business/brand goals. It’s our goal to ensure that every business or brand we work with, walks away gaining a high return on their investment for years to come. 

We’re about building irresistible, stand out brands around here. So if you’re okay with settling for average design and maintaining the status quo, we might not be the best fit for each other. However, if you’re ready to make some magic happen and watch swoon-worthy aesthetics and creative strategy meet, let’s talk!

We’ve watched many of our V&CO clients experience growth after investing in our branding and website services. Check out this client’s success story here. We can’t wait to share more stories with you on the blog soon!

XO, Victoria


V&CO Turns 7!


Client Feature: Champagne and Co