Strategy Tip: Define Your Target Audience


If you are a current business owner, aspiring business owner, or an influencer, it is important to know who you are trying to reach. You might have done all the “right” steps. You bought a cheap logo online, you put together a basic website, and started selling your products online. So… you have a “brand” now right? Wrong.

Your brand is more than just your logo, website, or even the products or services you are offering. It is all about communication. Who are you trying to reach? Who is going to be buying your product or service? These are important questions you need to ask yourself as a business owner.

Here are 3 steps to follow when defining your brand positioning.

1. Target Audience

Create an ideal customer profile to establish who your primary customer is. Use the following to help pin-point important findings:

  • Age

  • Gender

  • Marital Status

  • Occupation

  • Education Level

  • Current Season of Life

Now take that information and describe your target audience in 1-2 sentences.

2. Market Research

How will customers find out about you? Try to brainstorm and prioritize how customers can learn about your brand, and determine which ones are the easiest to tackle now, and which will have the highest impact. For example, if your target audience is women in their early 20s, you may want to focus on social platforms such as Instagram and TikTok to reach them. And alternatively, if your target audience is women in their 70s, social media may not be the best route for you. But market research will show you what is!

3. Brand Persona

It’s very important to develop your brand persona, which includes your brand personality, tone of voice, and tagline. You want to focus on making a human connection with your audience. How do you want to sound to your customers? In your website copy and social media content, will you be funny or serious? Casual or formal? Sassy or Respectful? Enthusiastic or matter of fact? Pick your lane and stick with it!

I hope you found this information helpful! It’s merely a starting point to figuring out who you are trying to reach and how to get there.

If you want hands-on-guidance, feel free to contact me. Perhaps our Brand Strategy package is just what you are looking for!

That’s all for now, friends!

XO, Victoria


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