Define Your Content Pillars

We talk a lot about the debacle that ensues when you can’t figure out what you’re supposed to post on social. With digital marketing only becoming more powerful and important as we enter 2023, ensuring that you have content pillars in place to base your social media strategy on will only help build your brand in the long run.

So, let's answer the pressing question on your mind right now…
What exactly are Content Pillars?

Whether you’re familiar with the term or if this is another piece of marketing verbiage that you’ve not been able to wrap your head around, we’ll do our best to explain this concept as plain and simple as we can.

Content pillars are the 3-5 main topics that your brand will base all of its content around. These pillars can also be broken into sections in which you can come up with sub topics for or the format in which you plan to create the kind of content you have in mind.

We’ll use our studio as a real-life example of content pillars in action. Currently, V&CO has three main content pillars in place: client work, educating entrepreneurs, and building community.

If you scroll through our Instagram, you’ll be sure to find that all of our posts fall into one of these three categories. Whether it’s a colour palette we created for a client, a carousel post sharing the difference between marketing & branding, or a reel showing one of our team member’s day in the life… having these pillars in place simplifies our content creation process and allows us to strategically position ourselves in the eyes of our dream clients.

Okay, let’s take a deeper dive into one of our content pillars to further explain the “sub topics” and formats we touched on earlier.

When coming up with posts that educate entrepreneurs, we ask ourselves how we can turn prospective clients into paying clients one day. With that said, some sub topics we’ve come up with are…

  • Educating on aspects of running a business

  • Educating on design and strategy

  • Educating on services and offerings

Additionally, the content formats we thought would be best for these types of educational posts include carousels, blog posts, and downloadable PDFs.

We’d encourage you to think deeply about what your brand has deep authority on and how the topics you choose to focus on allow you to resonate with your target audience. Take some time to jot some ideas down and we’re sure that you’ll have consistent, high-quality content your people will love in no time!

We’d love to know if this blog post was helpful and feel free to DM us if you have any questions. Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter for more marketing and branding tips!

XO, Victoria & the V&CO Team


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